Sunday, October 29, 2006



Thru the All Forever We are SoaRing
~Rick Allen~

A request from an inspired friend ultimately led to this creation. Allthough not exactly as she had 'sketched' her inspiRAtion 2 mee, this was the image that began to form in my mind, and which consequently fell into place, as usual.

Is inspiRAtion contagious? From whence does it come? Is it a Communion for which wee R but a Channel 4 the translations of the Melodic River that flows aRound & Thru us? She was pleased with the image, but requested some tweaKing 4 witch she got 2 tweaks.

This is the Star Veil photae from witch the Fabric of the Universe was Formed, a shot of an actual piece of fabric that was metallic Silver on Black, but witch had the metallic Gold from a metal box reflecting in2it.

The Rose photae came from a Magical Day when the Muse said Let's go take pictures of those Roses wee saw the Other Day!

And the Jaguar photae was taken by my friend Rose, who 'just happened' to have it with her on a visit here, 4 witch i 'just happened' to need a Jaguar photae for an image i was worKing on 4 Michelle's JKOB, and from whom this inpiRAtional request came from!
Thanx 4 Beeing inspiRed SpiritBear!

On this day, 10112007, "Rose had the first of her reconstructive shoulder surgeries today. The surgeon said it was successful. She’s recuperating at home. We’ll know about physical therapy next week after her check up. Thank you for your love and concern."~David
i have been thinking of Rose all day and 'accidentally' came across these words when i googled for healing messages today. SpiderwOMan strikes again!
Think Pink! In love & light, ShaRi


We want you to know that your world is spinning much faster in its evolutionary scale.
However, nothing moves at a faster speed than the Beating Heart of Love.
And always remember that our Hearts are perfectly synchronized in beautiful rhythm, now and forever.~The Angelic Realm via Doreen Virtue (sea
And 2day 07292008, my friend and yoga teacher, Gail, is having a lumpectomy 4 breast cancer. i send her this message 2day as her world is beeing brought back InSynk.


2 Blessed 2 Bee Stressed :)
2 anointed 2 Bee Disappointed :)



1 comment:

Spiritbear said...

the circular form of your design is entirely In the story behind it all is a full circle story!
