Friday, April 20, 2007


(on the left) Perhaps the stars in the sky are but openings
where those that have gone before us
into that great unknown
shine down upon us
to let us know that they are

(on the right) I have left this world but I am always with you
I have left this world but I am forever remembered
I have left this world but don't cry for me honor me
I have left this world but I will see you again
~ Francine Castro

This memorial is a revision of the one i did for Sept. 11th in 2006. It is my sincerest wish that all of those at Virginia Tech find a bit of comfort and peace from this memorial, should it somehow find its way into their lives.

The star field is from

For Ginny's friend Cheryl with Francine's poem

1 comment:

ShaRi said...

This is a woderful thought. I as so many people were am, so shocked as to what happened. I bless the souls which have gnone before us and ask through us all that they find peace. The spiral that is created by each soul which joins the stars creates one more pathway to the state of heaven. One more stairway those that linger behind yet a while, can climb to join in the beauty that gives us the glow of understanding. We seem to have such little understanding but our souls have all understanding. Again your pictures and writing are very good.