Thursday, May 26, 2011


“Lord, make me an instrument of your peace; where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; and where there is sadness, joy.”
St. Francis of Assisi This prayer has Been popping up lately, sew i guess it's time to post this image that was created back in March.
The Catholic Social Services has been running an ad on the Classical station asking folks to become this instrewmint, and then i came across this prayer flag upon revisiting a site 4 TempleGaia (sea May 2007-coming soon).

isn't it interesting that the prayer flag is yellow like the PeaceinStrewMintRAflowerCenter? The background was created from this photae of a reflection in the rear window of the RAven.

This same background was used for another image that is a part of my series for Michelle's JKOB book. i find the effect of this dreamy moon image very calming and PeaceFull, and isn't it interesting that the photae is actually a reflection of the sun? (sea ProfundaPazRAflower-March 2007-4 the RAflower and Peace symbol stories) (sea


Spiritbear said...

ShaRi, I love this new image. Can I get greeting cards with this new image? I feel a need for them today.

Fantastic work and love hearing the evolutions and revolutions of your process.


zeevveez said...

Thanks for the link you sent me about the hexagram
I published it on

ShaRi said...

Amazing universal symbol isn't it?
Here's the lynx: